Hey, stop Running and start walking... What is it about life that drives us relentlessly toward running-around frantically, to get that certain “thing” done? What is it that we are trying to get done? I invite you to stop whatever you are doing and take the next 60 seconds to ask yourself this simple, yet not easy, question: “What am I trying to get done?” I’m not talking about “what am I trying to get done in the next hour, the next day, week, month, or even year”, I’m asking you to question yourself regarding your life’s purpose. What are you trying to get done? What is your intention? You can, quite easily, fall into the trap of stating what your current roles are in life, but that is not the question I am asking...Allow me to share with you what I discovered not so long ago. I am a husband, a co-provider, a father, a stepfather, a brother, a son, an uncle, a work colleague - and the list goes on... However, these are roles, they are not who I am, nor what I am doing. When I stopped and asked what am I trying to get done, it hit me that I was trying to finish 'things'…but why? So I could get on with the next 'thing'? Society will give you many reasons why we "have to" finish things, but who the heck knows where that thought came from in the first place? And why is it necessarily correct? Let’s put that thought aside for just a moment, and explore some good news. THE GOOD NEWS “What am I trying to get done?” The good news is, like many things of late, I found the answer is actually the reverse of what I tended to believe to be truth. In other words, if you cannot answer this opening question, or perhaps you can answer it - but the answer is with uncertainty, then you are in a position of awakening. However, if you feel you can answer that question with absolute certainty, then perhaps you are in a position that is out- of-control? What??? Let me clarify my message. When we truly hold an intention without certainty of the How or When our intention will unfold, we own the What - or to put it another way, we own the intention. But if we think we have absolute control to create the What (the intention), without the uncertainty of the how or when, then we are delusional - we are stating that we have control of our external environment. “Here’s the thing folks - we don’t.” It has been shown to me time and time again that THE ONLY, absolute only, environment in which I have control is my internal environment; my thoughts.... What I think, is all that I can control. I can influence and be influenced by external environments, and other people’s opinions, however I cannot control, nor be controlled, by external environments, or other peoples opinions. Any other person, their opinions, or their actions, cannot control me ...without my consent! (And this is a critical piece, the “without my consent”). In other words, if my thought is not equal to that of the external circumstance, I am in the position to be in control of it, and the result of my actions. WHY IS THIS SO? Because nothing can appear from its own periphery! Why? Don’t take my word for it, ask science... Is it possible for a Universe to appear from anywhere but it’s own center? Astronomically, the answer is no. Nothing can appear from its own periphery. Things appear from the Center, and grow outward, not the reverse. Therefore, whatever takes place, universally, biologically, psychologically, spiritually, and so forth, do-so from the inside-out. How does knowing this theory fit into our daily lives? Well, for starters, let’s start by removing the inaccurate belief we have been passing on for generations. Generation after generation has expressed the need for children to stop making themselves the ‘center- of - universe’. I now understand that telling children that they are not the center of the universe is incorrect. I have chosen to take a stance on this. "The the dysfunction stops here...." My belief is that not only are our children the center of the universe, all of us are the center of the universe. ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME Rome considered itself the center of the universe, hence the saying “ all roads lead to Rome.” This was because 'all roads' lead outward from Rome. Back in the day, this may have been considered true; however as we develop knowledge, we understand that there is no geographical center in the universe, of which we are aware, therefore I put it to you that we each are the geographical Center of All things. The center is contained within each and every one of us, because the center is the ‘what is’.... It is the thing of which we cannot explain by the limited vocabulary we possess. IT cannot be described, because it is greater than all things known to man. Having researched in-excess of 30 religious beliefs, I now see that there is no singular IT; because all things are the One It. The truest center from which all things come and all things return, are the same. In order to comprehend this message, over millennia, man has found the necessity to label the thing they believe is IT. I have no problem with any label you choose, however I would ask that you are willing to say, as I am, “ I do not know for certain, therefore I am willing to be open minded - in order to broaden my platform of knowledge.” Can anyone say for absolute certain that what they state is 100% correct and beyond doubt? There are as many variations available on what the IT is, which is believed to be the answer, as there are as many variations on what IT isn’t. Personally, I am wary of any belief system, governing body, science, teacher, or practice, which states with certainty “This is the correct way.” My intention in life is not to seek the answer; it is to broaden my platform of knowledge, in order to grow. Up-to-date I have found no conclusive certainty about certainty, other than nothing in life is certain. (How’s that for a paradox). I choose not to seek one answer of certainty, because to me, there is none… of which I can be certain. For me, chasing the answer, and finding the answer, would be a conclusion; and this I do not believe exists, other than in the natural law of existence - which is true unto itself. To me, finding answers is not something which we look into; it is something from which we look outward. It is experiential knowledge, gained from doing that which guides us from within – that which we feel we wholeheartedly have a need to do. That which comes from our Center. THE LESSON STARTS WITH THE TEACHER So I invite you to ask yourself, in your current relationships (with children or others): Are you leading by example, or dictating with what you deem as certain? To answer truthfully, ask yourself these 3 simple questions:
I invite you to stop running, stop looking, and start seeing. In conclusion, I ask those who follow my Blogs to read that which I offer as opinion; nothing more, nothing less. I share with my clients a simple truth, as I know it to be: "You alone are the only one who can decide if it works for you, and therein is the truth." Because IT is found within you, not externally. God -Guru - Self (All are 1) With Love & Respect Paul J Pettit. For more information on the practices I share to becoming YOU, use This Link. Here you will find practices I share - tools & techniques to gently guide you forward toward emotional awareness, one step at a time.
I currently offer services of Naturopathic Reiki, Reflexology, and Life Coaching in Virginia USA, as well as Sydney Australia. I also offer Life Coaching services globally, through 1 on 1 coaching programs, using individually tailored tools and techniques to enable the client to develop a state of positive emotional awareness and behavior. More information on Paul Pettit & BMS HERE
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August 2024