And so on this day, it came to pass that I received yet a deeper gift of experiential knowledge of who I am, as opposed to who I think I am? No drugs, no meditative state, no deep-diving into the realms of unbounded possibilities - just a gift of pure awareness arose in the moment. I had completed my afternoon exercises (a Practice I embrace with enthusiasm on most days), & while sitting quietly for a moment to enjoy the physical and emotional calm, an unexpected information download occurred. CLARITY AROSE (Paul) is on that narrow strip dividing clarity & insanity, the precipice upon which one stands & views the existence of both, simultaneously. A deep understanding that both exist on this earthly plane, yet neither exists at all. For (Paul) realizes I am not the puppet known as Self, but rather the essence within it. And even then, this essence is but a thread of ‘That’ which is greater than this essence. For this smaller essence within the puppet of Self is in itself just a portal, a conduit, being guided by the greater essence of all that is, ever was, and forever shall be. THE 'WHAT-IS' There is an all-encompassing essence, of ‘What Is’; of which the essence of Self is but a small thread; a representative, being a part of & within (the observer) called Self, The Self (Paul) observes & acts on a grounded plane, through which the essence observes. Yet (Self –Paul) I am not, as this form is ever-changing, ever growing, & ever decaying, The (Soul), the observer within the ‘Form’, I am also not. For this Soul is but a thread of the entire Universe & beyond; and is the observer of observation, conducted through the observed Self (Paul). THE 'TRUE - I' The true 'I", as they say, is consciousness itself. I am all things, and no-thing. I am smaller than the smallest particle known to mankind, and greater than the Universe in its’ entirety. I am the Form, the Formless, & also the notion of either and both. I am present, past & future (experiencing each at this very moment) through all things, both Form & Formless. I am aware of the Self, & its’ ever-changing persona’s; influenced by circumstance & time. I am the observer of this Form who is experiencing knowledge, and yet ignorant to the reality of its own non-existence. The Form cannot exist; for it is changing continuously from what it was milliseconds beforehand, to what it is in the next millisecond. Therefore how can it exist? The Form is but a conduit through which I observe all things past, present & future. And I am ‘That ‘which has the ability to guide the Form, through the essence within it (the Soul). When Self (the Form) listens, and gets out of its own way, my conduit (the Soul) communicates all that is necessary; however the Form has been gifted the option to heed or ignore - this is the option of choice to which all Form are granted. To understand who I am, simply connect to that essence within the Self (the Soul), which is my representative at this level of consciousness. THE 'ANSWER' The answer to the question: I am the omniscience (the state of knowledge), creating the omnipotent, omnipresent omniscient. I am ‘That’ which I am, in this moment. As are You. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Paul is a practitioner of naturopathy, certified life coach, certified reflexologist, & certified naturopathic usui shiki ryoho reiki therapist. He is also a published author of a self-help series of books, and Podcast host of Mindfulness Mondays, currently on (I-tunes & Spotify). Paul specializes in mindfulness-based practices. * Naturopaths use natural therapies to treat pathology or diseases and dysfunctions. For Links & more information on Paul Pettit & BMS Click HERE
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August 2024