The greatest breakthroughs I have experienced happened because of discomfort, not in spite of it.
DISCOMFORT CREATES SUCCESS Having experienced discomfort often, & witnessed for myself the success it brings, I now greet it as openly as that favorite emotion 'comfort.' When I realized that seeking comfort by constantly appeasing the desire for pleasure resulted in the opposite to what I was striving to achieve, I became free from the shackles of instant gratification. The futility of seeking happiness by avoiding discomfort highlights the need for vigilance against allowing the Brain to wallow in habitual behaviors of seeking the comfort zone. When you know how to engage your Mind (mindfulness practices) to become the keeper of your Brain, some fascinating shifts begin to take place in your life. You accept and embrace comfort, however you no longer desire it, for you know it is not permanent. Therefore it stands to reason the opposite of comfort (discomfort) is also in a constant state of flux - it too is not permanent. SO WHY DO WE HAVE DISCOMFORT? Discomfort is an emotion that creates action, and through (mindful) action we can choose the outcome of our emotional states-of-being. In other words, we can be 'happy'. A portion of the recipe for happiness is found through balancing comfort & discomfort with intention (or meaning). PLEASURE MUST BALANCE WITH MEANING Pleasure from comfort is wonderful, however we need to gratify both the will for pleasure & the will for meaning if we are going to lead an emotionally fulfilling life. And where does the will for meaning come from? Yep, discomfort. Pleasure is a synthesis of happiness; and happiness presupposes our having to overcome some obstacles of discomfort in order to arrive at a potential meaning waiting to be fulfilled. This is why we have goals & aspirations; yet it is imperative not to have attachment to the outcome...want to learn more? In order to become unstuck in life, you are invited to CLICK HERE for a FREE 15 minute consultation. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Paul J Pettit Born in Sydney Australia in 1963. Paul is a practitioner of *naturopathy, certified life coach, certified reflexologist, & certified naturopathic usui shiki ryoho reiki therapist. He is also a published author of a self-help series of books, and Podcast host of Mindfulness Mondays Paul specializes in mindfulness-based practices. * Naturopaths use natural therapies to treat pathology or diseases and dysfunctions. For more information on Paul Pettit -
August 2024