When you finally let go, you found the elusive answer to "Who am I?" You had hit rock bottom; collapsed into resignation that what you were doing was searching for the answers’ externally, and after practicing your Practices for Months (if not years) you finally realized they are found internally; you reached the plateau of awakening, accepting that it is YOU who needs to love you. Success! You awakened to the reality that you are good enough. In fact you are perfectly perfect (flaws included). You began to view yourself differently, felt positive about being you, and thus begun to act differently. The actions you take these days result in positive outcomes, attract positive people into your life, and bring positive results into your world. Suddenly, because you view yourself positively, you now see the world through a different lens. So you say to yourself, “Holy cow, I need to share this with others so they too can experience this amazing opportunity.” Wait a minute…why aren’t they listening? What I am sharing can change their lives, but they aren’t listening? Does that sound familiar? HIT THE PAUSE BUTTON Ask yourself why you want to share this amazing gift? Because you care deeply about everyone else, right? Is this truly the reason? Really? Do you care so deeply about others that you are prepared to let go? Think about it. The paradox of awakening is in full swing yet again. Yes, you are awake, you feel fulfilled at last, and therefore you do not want to lose this elated state-of -being. But isn’t this simply the next level of suffering? You now hold a desire to maintain the emotion of happiness that you are feeling in this new elated state-of-being, and therefore you are clinging to it. If you desire for something to be different to what it is, or you desire for something to remain permanently as it is, you suffer. Both are one in the same. I have lived this lesson time and time again... each time I think I have ‘made-it’, I am back at the starting line. However, it’s not all bad news folks. Each time I am at the starting line, I am also on the next rung of the ladder, and, each rung is a step higher than the previous. Each rung is a new starting line. I can look back to where I was and realize that I have advanced. How many rungs to the ladder? Well actually that question is what is holding you back from letting go. Each time I realize I want things to remain as they are currently, I become more awake to the realization I am suffering by not letting go. So I let go, and move up another rung. WHAT ABOUT WANTING OTHERS TO AWAKEN? Desire at any level is suffering. If I desire for loved ones to become enlightened to what is possible, I am suffering (because I am wanting something to be different than what it is). However, if I simply BE ME, and serve those who seek, then I am serving - not suffering. In order to best serve, I choose not to be a pond of knowledge, but rather a stream that accepts every bend as a new beginning. I let go, and flow. Each bend in the stream, or each rung of the ladder, leads to growth. It does not matter which metaphor you use, it is a step toward home (Nirvana, Happiness, Heaven, call it what you like). THE GIFT Many years ago I was offered a gift by my Guru; “You be you - the rest will be taken care of.” I initially thought he was referring to Paul (there is the ego sneaking-up again), however I now understand the ‘You’ to which he referred was not just directed at ‘me’. He was referring to everyone. Be you - Let go of the now, then let go of the next-now, and then repeat. Here endeth suffering. THE MESSAGE: Your job is to be YOU. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Having undertaken studies for 4 years, and successfully fulfilled the criteria required, Paul is a certified Life Coach, certified Reflexologist, & certified Naturopathic Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Therapist, specializing in mindfulness-based practices; He is also a published author of a self-help series of books, and Podcast host of Mindfulness Mondays, currently on (I-tunes & Spotify). Paul offers 1-to-1 in-person services in Virginia USA, as well as Sydney Australia; and Life Coaching services are offered globally through various media platforms. Individually tailored tools and techniques are shared, to enable clients to develop a state of positive emotional awareness and behavior. For Links & more information on Paul Pettit & BMS Click HERE
January 2025