Who am I; and Where do my thoughts come from?
From the time Homosapien Sapiens arose, some of the greatest scientists have pondered and philosophized these questions. The Mind Western Sciences clearly explain the functions of the body, however, until I immersed myself into Eastern Practices dating back thousands of years, I could not answer the question "who am I", or "where do thoughts come from?" After more than 4 years practicing Eastern techniques in the art of letting go (of control & desire), both answers were gifted to me. The answer to Both are the same: Both answers are the same. "Where do thoughts come from"? When consciousness activates neurological tissue, it creates the mind. The mind is the conduit of thoughts. (Dr Joe Dispenza) "Who am I?" Not who is 'Me' (the thing I call self), but who am 'I' The answer is the same as where thoughts come from...consciousness. The Self Asking (self) who am I? You will discover 'I' is not 'me'. Within this vessel called (self) there is an essence. This essence is 'I'. When we pause and consider "who am I ", we begin to awaken the knowledge that 'I' am not 'me'. Me, (my self) am constantly changing in line with the laws of natural attrition. ME grows, matures, ages, and deteriorates. Each second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year, (me) is evolving as it moves toward the conclusion of its cycle (death). Yet "I" remain constant. I is the essence; energy; light-source; God (call it what you choose) that is the constant, within (self). I has been, and will be, forever constant. Unlike (me), it has no beginning - middle - end. It does not age. Omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscience; it is all things, connecting all things. Doubtful? Ask yourself how many times have you thought, or have spoken, the words… "I knew it was wrong ….." "I cant believe that came out of my mouth…" "I just wasn't thinking ….." So Who is doing the questioning, and Whom is doing the answering? Awareness With awareness on your side (consciousness), me can be guided - by I. All one has to do, is bring awareness to the forefront .....this is where "I" resides. Practice To bring awareness to the forefront, calm the mind; stop the repetitive thoughts on loop - those conditioned thoughts that have been impregnated into you since childhood ( there are thousands). Can you sit for even just 60 seconds without thoughts hounding you? There is an answer......showing those who seek the answer is my life's work, and my life's purpose. SUB Ek. Paul J Pettit
January 2025