When one practices stepping away from the doing, and embraces the being, the breath moves to the forefront; senses become heightened; the heart rate lowers; the mind opens; and the awareness of oneness enters the soul.
Practicing to ‘be’ complete - the observer, observation & observed, offers the gift of experiencing a noetic revelation, through forming a sense of clarity which can only be described as ineffable. Pausing this very moment, gazing from my home office window, I witness the coming of a storm. The open window by my desk becomes a portal; there is no barrier between the self & the elements. Thunderclouds gather Flight of bird ceases Anticipation, pools within. Leaves dance to light notes of a breeze Mellow tones of nature kiss the air Humid beads glisten on the skin. The breath is smooth, the mind is clear, the body calm Oneness. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Paul is a studying practitioner of naturopathy, certified life coach, certified reflexologist, & certified naturopathic usui shiki ryoho reiki therapist. He is also a published author of a self-help series of books, and Podcast host of Mindfulness Mondays, currently on (I-tunes & Spotify). Paul specializes in mindfulness-based practices. * Naturopaths use natural therapies to treat pathology or diseases and dysfunctions. For Links & more information on Paul Pettit & BMS Click HERE
January 2025