We are constantly gifted opportunities to recognize, and practice to release, the habit of conceptual thinking.
WHAT IS CONCEPTUAL THINKING? Conceptual thinking is the attachment of thought, with the belief that thought is real. This creates suffering. CESSATION OF SUFFERING. Any attachment of thought creates suffering. However, when awareness is developed, thoughts are no longer held captive by the mind; awareness of attachment is achieved, and the pathway to the cessation of suffering is present. Follow this path and all shall been seen clearly. Development of awareness The development of awareness is gained through the practices of mindfulness, surrender, and gratitude. It is the journey itself that reveals the truth; and therefore the pathway must be walked by each individual in order to arrive at the destination of the cessation of suffering. How? Become familiar with attachment; attachment is found in the realms of desire and aversion, the causes of emotional suffering. There are many tools available to assist one to recognize, and work upon, the release of desire and aversion. Refer here for examples To truly free the Self from all suffering, the practice of Dhutanga will need to be engaged: Dhutanga: The practices that are hard to do. As you develop skills, (by using tailored tools or techniques), the aspirant will often be asked to pause and consider what their practices are aiming toward. If it is to ‘acquire’ freedom from suffering, then practice harder to release the things that are preventing wisdom. Cease seeking for an answer, and use whatever is staring you in the face, to become wiser. Whatever you crave is the object of practice! What can you not let go of? What can you not do without? What can you not surrender? What can you not quit? In truth, there is nothing that cannot be left behind (ultimately we drop the body and leave everything behind). Learning to leave things behind, (non-attachment) while in the body, is the greatest reward you can gift yourself. Do not be in rush; take one step at a time and the journey itself will bring success. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Having undertaken studies for the past 8 years, and successfully fulfilled the criteria required, Paul is a certified Life Coach, certified Reflexologist, & certified Naturopathic Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Therapist, specializing in mindfulness-based practices; He is also a published author of a self-help series of books, and Podcast host of Mindfulness Mondays, currently on (I-tunes & Spotify). Paul offers 1-to-1 in-person services in Virginia USA, as well as Sydney Australia; and Life Coaching services are offered globally through various web platforms. Individually tailored tools and techniques are shared, to enable clients to develop a state of positive emotional awareness and behavior. For Links & more information on Paul PettitClick HERE
January 2025