Fear not the Knot
Attachment to the illusions created by the ego-self manifests our suffering. Knowledge solidifies as we whittle-away each attachment. During prayer, meditation, or contemplation, a power from within highlights this truth. We begin to realize that 'I' hold freedom of choice. 'I' create the moment of experience. When resistance toward the external and internal states of flux is withdrawn, suffering diminishes, and is replaced by a state of calm. Here awareness of all illusion can be seen with clarity. God-realization is born; God the creator, preserver, and destroyer are not separate to 'Self'. 'Self' is not other-than; all is the one. The cycle of this awareness climaxes in death. Ultimately it is death that presents the gift of total non-attachment. The journey of illusion is utterly dispelled; there is no 'other' - no body to confuse the truth. This dropping of the physical body graces awareness upon the soul. The final knot of illusion is released. Fear not the knot, for it is truly an illusion, creating sufferring.
January 2025