The Earth is Spring cleaning
Has COVID-19 been beneficial to our planet? The Universe I choose to recognise is the connectedness related to by some (including myself) as The Tao. No, I am not of a staunch religious belief; I am of a spiritual one. As a matter of fact, in 2016 I made the decision to commence studying religions - of which to date I have studied thirty (Yes 30) of the most prominent religious faiths. This self-effort for self-knowledge has revealed that all of the religions I have studied to date have one commonality - A God (or a similar term used in order to explain ‘that’ which is beyond our full comprehension). What does this have to do with my opening question? When I practice to remain open-minded to all things possible, I see a glimmer of hope that the universe (The Tao) has chosen to Spring-clean during 2019/2020. There have been well documented reports (feel free to challenge these) that the air quality in China, the water clarity in Venice, and the carbon emission reduction globally, have all shown significant improvements due to the reduction in man-made pollutants - such as those created by manufacturing, consumerism, and waste. For those of us who have been touched by COVID-19 , I understand your emotional & physical pain (suffering). I feel your suffering. I have felt the same suffering in my business & personal life, and I have found great courage in thinking the thought “the universe is spring-cleaning in order to survive.” My teachers (of which there have been many) have shown me that the Universe (The Tao) is a law unto itself - forever giving, and forever taking, as is necessary for its survival. I no longer question why, I simply let go and accept the ‘what is’ of the present moment, knowing that “this too shall pass”. Quotes often shared but seldom truly contemplated. I am truly grateful for the 56 years I have been gifted to date; and I look forward to as many more years as is meant to be, while I continue to take 1 small step toward home. May we all be free from anger, afflictions, fear, and anxiety. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Having undertaken studies for 4 years, and successfully fulfilled the criteria required, Paul is a certified Life Coach, certified Reflexologist, & certified Naturopathic Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Therapist, specializing in mindfulness-based practices; He is also a published author of a self-help series of books, and Podcast host of Mindfulness Mondays, currently on (I-tunes & Spotify). Paul offers 1-to-1 in-person services in Virginia USA, as well as Sydney Australia; and Life Coaching services are offered globally through various web platforms. Individually tailored tools and techniques are shared, to enable clients to develop a state of positive emotional awareness and behavior, and to Reclaim Calm. For Links & more information on Paul Pettit & BMS Click HERE
Is individualism a necessary antithesis for unity to exist?
In the world of matter, opposites are necessary for existence to exist. Up needs down; in needs out; hot needs cold, and so forth. Therefore it stands to reason that individualism is necessary for unity to exist. Here is a novel practice to consider: Hit the pause button for a moment and consider the following the next time you are about to make a judgement-call about someone. Ask yourself, “What triggers me about that person?” The reality is, if it triggers you - it’s about you! We are not meant to be alike; we are meant to be individual strands, combined to establish a collective. Akin to a tapestry made from thousands of strands of silk, we human beings are designed to be individuals in order to fulfill our unique purposes - yet united to form a larger collective purpose. Separatism, schisms, and biases, are a result of ‘unity’ gone wrong. Personal opinions and preferences were designed within the framework of homo sapiens in order to evolve as a collective, not as a means to create an ‘us & them’ phobia. Debate is a platform to establish compassionate discussion, not a throne to rule over the opposition. It exists in order for individuals to consider an alternative view - not to divide and conquer the opponent. Sadly we witness the divide and conquer mentality in our lives from primary care-givers, such as governments, on a daily basis. Perhaps it’s time to shift the biggotory, phobia, and alarmist attitudes that have been portrayed throughout the ages and contemplate the alternatives? Why? I will leave it to that wonderful question I have learned here in the USA to answer for me.. Quote, “Well, how’s that working for you?” How is the bigotry, phobia, sexism, alarmist attitudes working for you folks? These days when I witness the opposite to my views (the bigoted, biased,sexist or racist people) I stop and hit the pause button & ask myself the question “why is it triggering me?” The answer is disconcerting - the reality is that these opposites exist in all of us (myself included). We as individuals have the choice to support the rights of all individuals to be themselves, even when their views or opinions are not in alignment with our own. When I hit the pause button I realize It opens my mind to a world of compassion toward both sides. I feel for the perpetrator and the recipient (because in every case they exist on both sides)… in order to let-go of judgement I silently offer metta to both. Individualism is a necessity for unity - but somewhere along the way our caregivers forgot to teach us the importance of the middle path. If it opens your eyes to the possibility of a better world, then why not discuss it rather than slam it?Next time you are about to slam someone for ‘being different’ why not go out on a limb and take the test to pause and say “why is that triggering me; who is villian and who is the victim"? The truth is, we hold both within us, but compassion opens the door to the possibility of change for the better. Therefore, as individuals we can unite ! ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Having undertaken studies for 4 years, and successfully fulfilled the criteria required, Paul is a certified Life Coach, certified Reflexologist, & certified Naturopathic Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Therapist, specializing in mindfulness-based practices; He is also a published author of a self-help series of books, and Podcast host of Mindfulness Mondays, currently on (I-tunes & Spotify). Paul offers 1-to-1 in-person services in Virginia USA, as well as Sydney Australia; and Life Coaching services are offered globally through various web platforms. Individually tailored tools and techniques are shared, to enable clients to develop a state of positive emotional awareness and behavior. For Links & more information on Paul Pettit & BMS Click HERE |
January 2025